

Most agency-side recruiters and business owners feel their knowledge of talent availability and careers are under-exploited by customers who prefer to keep them at arms length. For those keen to unlock real value for customers, we can help.

We have extensive experience training recruiters to implement systems that make hiring better for customers by formally leveraging their unique knowledge. We can help agencies introduce new services integrated with an associated startegy for marketing and business development.

Our systems make working in recruitment more meaningful, rewarding and impactful, helping external teams play a role far closer to business analyst than salesperson. Our service debugs common frustrations with unfillable vacancies, poor interview practice and lack of post-hire engagement that are typically the real obstacles to helping customers hire successfully.

Organisations keen to apply our systems can become independent Partners trained in vacancy design, selection process design, market research, and L&D program creation. We can help establish your business or function as a Salt & Water partner capable of complete differentiation in marketing, operations and quality compared to both direct competitors and internal teams.

Our approach has already underpinned one agency-side business moving from 10 staff to 65, taking turnover from £1.5m to £15m in the space of three years, and driven exponential periods of head-count growth for household-name brands and scaleups.